I am brand new here.

    Posted by langellj on 4th of Feb 2018 at 06:57 pm

    I am brand new here. I have a question,  Please anyone answer: I thought the SPY PRO SYSTEM can be used long or short, buy buying or selling SPY, or XIV long every time the system triggers long, or VXX every time the system triggers short. I'm using the XIV/VXX instead of just buying SPY. On 1/30, a buy trigger was posted for a 60% entry of SPY at $281.63. I bought a 60% position of XIV on the close. Friday, a buy trigger was posted of 40% long SSO at $116.06. Is this another system? I could not get an answer, so I bought some SSO, and also a second entry in XIV in after hours at $113. I'm confused. again, is SSO a different system than the SPY system, and I should not have made another entry, or should I have made that second 40% entry in SSO as posted to the site, and not another XIV entry. I just entered both, because I was confused on which one to buy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,


    No is same system buy

    Posted by torvix on 5th of Feb 2018 at 04:31 am

    No is same system buy different instruments are used for each entry. Thats my understanding of the situation.

    I take it we can

    Posted by jtverr on 5th of Feb 2018 at 07:38 am

    I take it we can expect the last 10% buy-in signal today?  The market sell-off looks to continue to say the least.  

    Jim - there is plenty

    Posted by soldado1976 on 4th of Feb 2018 at 07:16 pm

    Jim - there is plenty of info on the systems on the page. The XIV trade by nature is more volatile.  The XIV drawdowns will be exponentially larger than the SPY drawdowns and the returns if positive should be much larger as well.  The SPY second entry used to be to use SPY. But matt did the work and found a second entry being in the double long ETF SSO would have better net net returns. 

    You should absolutely look and read everything on this site including the Community comments on the system over the years (not the last few days ) to assess doing what you are doing. That is a very aggressive first trade for being brand new here. 

    Thank you soldado. I did

    Posted by langellj on 4th of Feb 2018 at 08:19 pm

    Thank you soldado. I did read the FAQ, and I must have missed the SSO part. I now see where it explains this second entry. You have been of great help. 



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