HCLP Daily View

    Posted by steve on 12th of Sep 2017 at 12:46 pm

    HCLP - Chart Link - big level around $8.60

    HCLP nice move there -

    Posted by steve on 12th of Sep 2017 at 01:36 pm

    HCLP nice move there - hearing a possible $1.00 distribution on 9/19 announcement.

    I like to trim and trail on such pops..maybe get a backtest/pullback

    Just want to point out a little known tax rule...

    Posted by RichieD on 13th of Sep 2017 at 07:04 am

    for those buying HCLP inside of a retirement account.  

    Since HCLP is a limited partnership ("LP"), you will receive a K-1 and be responsible for paying taxes on any gains/distributions irrespective of the fact that it was purchased through a retirement account.  Happened to me with United States Oil Fund, LP ("USO") a few years back.  I questioned Fidelity at the time - they researched the issue - and confirmed that my receiving a K-1 and having to report the gain/pay taxes that year was correct, even though I purchased it through a tax deferred account.

    Just thought I'd pass that along.

    k-1s are a pita!

    Posted by morton7 on 13th of Sep 2017 at 09:19 am

    k-1s are a pita!

    Thanks for the input below

    Posted by steve on 13th of Sep 2017 at 08:48 am

    Thanks for the input below regarding LP's. There is a $1,000 exception per retirement account so if you exceed that level you will have to pay taxes. Otherwise, simply buy outside your IRA if that is a primary concern if the investment meets your criteria. 


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