I trade HVU.TO and UVXY

    VIX 60 min comments

    Posted by mulisko on 14th of Jul 2016 at 12:19 pm

    I trade HVU.TO and UVXY - both are 2X Volatility Bull. Would't keep them longer than few days.  Better way is wait out volatility uptrend and get Inverse Volatility TFS (HVI.TO SVXY). I kept these for months. Check the charts and you can see you could double your money last year more than once and once for this year. No resigning CEOs, no accounting problems, no legal issues. Just pure trend you can watch on chart and do nothing.

    With you on the SVXY

    Posted by frtaylor on 14th of Jul 2016 at 03:45 pm

    With you on the SVXY thing. I need to develop a plan for trading it long term, however. There are some good ideas on the web, but haven't verified them for myself.


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