...where my BPT membership fees go!

    ha ha yeah.  Nah I'll

    Posted by matt on 26th of May 2016 at 01:51 pm

    ha ha yeah.  Nah I'll be working this weekend, it's Steve's weekend to the newsletters but it's his 25th Wed anniversary this weekend, I told Steve I would do the commodity newsletter, so he'll be doing the other one. 

    I also want to try and upgrade my main PC to Win 10, it's gonna be a big job because I tried it before and it has always failed. Therefore instead of upgrading Win 7 to Win 10 I'm going to format the HD to erase everything, then install Win 10 as a fresh clean copy.  Windows always runs better on a fresh clean install over an upgrade.  However that's where the work comes in, I have so many programs and systems, I have to reinstall all that stuff.  Good weekend for it

    Then of course I have family in town from Chicago, and the house is a mess, so gonna be busy weekend


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