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    "...the worldwide strength of brand-Canada..."

    Posted by a_l_ on 7th of Apr 2016 at 10:56 am

    "...the worldwide strength of brand-Canada..." Good one. That's the kind of blather you get before the bottom falls out. That housing bubble is so precarious with oil in the '40s.

    Disconnected from reality

    Posted by pwb8 on 7th of Apr 2016 at 11:02 am

    In my view, housing is set to drop at least 30 to 40% here in Alberta.  Canadians seem quite good at denying reality.  

    denying reality in Canada ...

    Posted by mla127 on 7th of Apr 2016 at 11:08 am

    When you elect a guy like Trudeau and after the budget he released still get good approval numbers, that explains a lot about "denial" and living in fantasy land ...  Personal debt is sky rocketing in Canada ... Real Estate in going vertical in Toronto and Vancouver ...  and hasn't correct much in Alberta yet ... I've been eye balling some real estate in Canmore for awhile now, which has a VERY overpriced market and lots of secondary homes ... price are nowhere close to reflect reality ... The disco ball is still lit, but the punch bowl is running low ... carry on  :D 

    It also doesn't mention reality. 

    Posted by wowten on 7th of Apr 2016 at 11:02 am

    It also doesn't mention reality.  I lived in Toronto for many years.  Beautiful city.  Awesome restaurants.  Nice people...but the weather....Yikes...6 months of winter  - cold and gray.  And that is a lot better than other cities such as Ottawa, Edmonton, Winnigpeg etc etc...oh and you've got to love socialism. Cool


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