TZA Break in Downtrend Wedge

    TZA Update

    Posted by mdgfain on 23rd of Mar 2016 at 03:22 pm

    is that enough to be considered a trigger?  Sure looks like one, but I don't know what to make of the Maundy Thursday stats. I was hoping that would take is to SPX 2060, then out. Not sure we'll make it. Any opinions welcome!

    mdgfain - AND OTHERS,you may not

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Mar 2016 at 03:27 pm

    mdgfain - AND OTHERS,you may not be away of the 'view recent alarms' on the left hand side, click on that URL, and you can click on any chart and see the alarm price trigger and original chart, here's some images on TZA for example

    TZA trigger was much lower

    Posted by steve on 23rd of Mar 2016 at 03:23 pm

    TZA trigger was much lower (see watchlist).  C'mon man as I don't want to see you guys chasing when the trigger was clearly stated much eariler. I view the leveraged ETF as trading instruments so raise stops and/or take some profits. 


    Posted by mdgfain on 23rd of Mar 2016 at 03:33 pm

    Steve, sorry I missed TZA on the watch list. I am not a day trader, more of a swing or longer teEM trader. I listen to your newsletters every day and I read the blog and I'm trying to learn. I'm still not as good as I want to be, but I smell an important top. Just because I dipped my toe in the pond, no need to squash me like a bug. 

    Answer: No problem but give me a call to discuss so that we can avoid any confusion and help work out a trading plan that works with your time frames. I sent you a private message on your inbox with my number. 

    mdgfain - he's not trying

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Mar 2016 at 03:41 pm

    mdgfain - he's not trying to squash you LOL or disrespect you, he was probably just taken back a little because it triggered early this morning per his chart setup.  The problem is we could go into a whole discussion here but not really the time intra day to do it.  Trading takes time, folks fairly new at it or still trying to get their feel, personal risk tolerance, their goals/objectives will take time.  

    Most folks are not day traders, as someone looking for a swing type position, lot of ways to look at things, the market was at resistance and had some wedge patterns in place.  Maybe the wedges only produce a bounce then we get another pullback to form a better divergence who knows.  a swing position trader might look to scale in or set a wider stop, or a swing trader might still be holding quite a few long positions and not wanting to unload those positions, but wants to hedge those with some inverse ETF's.  That's why there's no one answer to all this without having a discussion of what you own, what you don't own.  Anyway not the time to go into that now, the inverse ETF's provided at least a trade so far, triggers would have been earlier on those, we'll have to see how those develop. 

    trading takes time to master, not just from a technical standpoint, but from an emotional one and knowing oneself, being patient, waiting for opportunities to setup, and risk management.  Everyone is on a different path and journey in this respect.  Best thing folks can do is study, look at tons of charts over time.  The folks who write into us and tell me they don't listen to the newsletters because they are too long, well those are the folks who will never succeed because they don't put in the time.  It's like playing a sport like golf, etc, you have to put in the time, and there will be trials and tribulations along the way, persistence is key. 

    Well put, Matt.

    Posted by a_l_ on 23rd of Mar 2016 at 04:41 pm

    Well put, Matt.

    mdgfain..that's why I have discussed

    Posted by steve on 23rd of Mar 2016 at 03:40 pm

    mdgfain..that's why I have discussed RWM many times for swing traders as you know.  Please feel free to reach out to me and to discuss a plan that will work with your preferences.  I'm more that willing to help but it's best to discuss as each member has different styles. There is not one solution for all.  Our watchlist is a guide that can be tailored.  In addition, the tutorials go into detail what is considered to be a valid trigger, especially for swing traders. 


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