Crude Oil daily

    Posted by matt on 21st of Dec 2015 at 01:50 pm

    small wedge on the daily futures, doji potentially forming today

    I must be looking at different contracts,

    Posted by zitron on 21st of Dec 2015 at 03:16 pm

    because mine says February and there is no pattern on the daily but moving averages overhead. Additionally last low was on 12/14 at $34.53. Today's price is $35.75.

    Yep, must agree there... I

    Posted by isplat on 21st of Dec 2015 at 03:19 pm

    Yep, must agree there... I don't see any futures contract anywhere close to that price.

    However, the spot price is (or was) pretty much at the levels shown in the chart posted, at the time it was posted. 

    EDIT: I see it says 01-16... the nearest-dated contract I can see is Feb 2016, so that would be the explanation. Apologies!

    my fault, it rolled over,

    Posted by matt on 21st of Dec 2015 at 03:31 pm

    my fault, it rolled over, I changed to the Feb contract. CL is annoying because it rolls over every month unlike most of the others which are good for a few months.  anyway similar pattern, however Feb contract trading at 35.8 currently

    Thanks, Matt.

    Posted by zitron on 21st of Dec 2015 at 03:33 pm

    This is odd. I am seeing a different setup. Is that Tradestation?


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