crazy... One solution being floated in

    Posted by henleyoc on 29th of Sep 2008 at 09:05 pm


    One solution being floated in the Senate, however, might work precisely because there would be no real winners. The Senate, where the bill has more support among Republicans than in the House, would take the lead and attach the bill to a resolution that continues to fund the federal government through the election. That is a measure members have a hard time voting against, and if the Senate then adjourns, the House would pretty much be forced to swallow the Senate's single bill. House members would then be forced to vote for or against the budget along with the bailout, giving them a measure of political cover. In the end such an approach may be the only viable way out of a fine mess that has left markets reeling, the economy on the brink of collapse and Washington looking once again like the dysfunctional place that both Barack Obama and John McCain have pledged to change.,8599,1844732,00.html?xid=feed-cnn-topics&iref=werecommend


    I haven't read the attachment,

    Posted by rgoodwin on 29th of Sep 2008 at 11:09 pm

    I haven't read the attachment, but the "continuation spending bill" for keeping the government running through March '09 was passed this weekend...can they do another one since they have already agreed on a plan? How about instead we get a plan that folks will agree on - or in the alternative, those that fully believe this is the necessary measure that must be taken for the good of the country - well stand up on your own 2 feet and vote for it - get politics out of the decision process. If the politicians would "simply" vote their conscience and knowledge of what is best to move us forward, then crap like this probably would not have to happen. Supposedly the Democrats have/had enough votes to pass the bill - what are they waiting for? Instead we have to deal with - Oh no, I can't do that unless the guy that's is going to run against me in November votes this way too - that way he can't point a finger and say I was the problem. When I was running my company - I had to make choices and decisions everyday that could affect the long term outcome of things. I say to the politicians - have some gonads and get the job done - in whatever direction you truly believe know is the right one for your country and not your political future - who knows - they could be the same choice.


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