ES system also went short today

    Posted by matt on 7th of Oct 2015 at 09:59 pm

    with futures down some today the 20 contract version has already scaled out of 7 of it's contracts for profit

    that pro ES system was

    Posted by matt on 8th of Oct 2015 at 10:57 am

    that pro ES system was able to get out of most of it's contracts last night when futures were much lower, had entered 20 yesterday, sold all but 3.  Should the market ramp higher again before the trade closes out, it will simple do another position, but since it locked in all the profit and greatly reduced it's risk by now being down to 3 contracts, if the market were to rally up, it can take the heat.  The system has an intelligence to it where it automatically adjusts it's scaleouts and scaleins prices based on how volatile the market gets by using the ATR, if market volatility is small it will take off contracts at smaller point values for example the 20 contract system may peel off contracts every 4 points, but if the recent candles are large it may may increase that to 10 or 12 points.  Anyway been fun working on all this for the last year, still a lot of logical that I want to add though,

    The 10 contract version got out of 9 of the 10, so only has one left. I have this one running live money so in future will be able to show broker statements 

    The 1 contract version of this system is really good as well, but of course it can't scale out.  

    Excel report of system using 1 contract - right click to download

    Excel report of 20 contract version - right click to download

    ES system

    Posted by vfr750 on 8th of Oct 2015 at 05:17 pm

    Matt, is there a way to participate in this system, either via 3rd party or getting it yourself on TS? If you have a large account as mentioned 600k-1M, this system would work well. We discussed earlier the SPY pro system, but never initiated a system install on TS. 




    Matt, will your ES professional

    Posted by junkie on 8th of Oct 2015 at 04:19 pm

    Matt, will your ES professional system re-enter shorts again at the close today?

    yes it did, the non

    Posted by matt on 8th of Oct 2015 at 05:12 pm

    yes it did, the non pro did not, needs higher prices

    I suggest not following the pro because you can't scale out like it does and you don't know what it's doing,

    Can you please update when

    Posted by junkie on 8th of Oct 2015 at 05:17 pm

    Can you please update when the non-pro does its second entry? I am not following the pro version directly, I was tempted to close my entry from yesterday for a profit but I decided to hold on to it, as my first entry was too low. I tried entering today at 2000 with a tight stop and was stopped out. It looks like trading gods want to see 2019 again before reversing Laughing

    Matt, is there a way

    Posted by junkie on 8th of Oct 2015 at 11:43 am

    Matt, is there a way to know what both systems are doing in real time? I like the logic for your 20-contract system. Did you happen to have a 3-contract system version as well? Thanks for an update!


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