SPX 5 min

    Posted by matt on 28th of Sep 2015 at 12:28 pm

    $SPX - Chart Link - some intra day divergence for now, kind of wedging down, but not a text book wedge -

    Interesting comment there, Matt -

    Posted by isplat on 28th of Sep 2015 at 12:32 pm

    Interesting comment there, Matt - could you share with us the factors that make up a "textbook wedge", please? Thanks very much!

    as far as the wedge,

    Posted by matt on 28th of Sep 2015 at 12:34 pm

    as far as the wedge, doesn't have 5 touches, only 3, proper wedges have 5 waves ABCDE.  Really I was simply pointing out some intra day divergence is all but that can form longer while prices go lower, divergence is not a buy signal

    also it's kinda early yet in the day, need more time to see what develops, trend is down, don't do a counter trend long unless you have a really good trigger

    like so, you mean?  

    Posted by isplat on 28th of Sep 2015 at 12:47 pm

    like so, you mean?


    Man, this wedge thingy is

    Posted by isplat on 28th of Sep 2015 at 02:04 pm

    Man, this wedge thingy is really messing us about, I'd say:



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