AAPL Daily

    Posted by puma on 8th of Sep 2015 at 03:32 pm

    Looking more and more like an inverse H&S with a slanted neckline. Should it break to the upside then it might well form an even larger inverse H&S with a neckline around 120 as drawn. Gotta watch the Big Kahuna.

    Edit: Remember, tomorrow is their big product announcement. Got to check on what time Cook is talking.


    puma - thanks for the

    Posted by matt on 8th of Sep 2015 at 03:43 pm

    puma - thanks for the chart, possibly, though honestly I'd put more credence into the triangle pennant more

    volume is still pretty light, I'd like to see an increase in volume if it breaks that pennant to the upside.

    I think the Big AAPL event is on Wed showing New iphone 6s, New TV, Bigger Ipad, maybe a newer stupid watch etc

    Matt -- thanks for your

    Posted by puma on 8th of Sep 2015 at 03:51 pm

    Matt -- thanks for your chart. Yeah, pennant first...that's for sure...I don't know anybody who has actually bought the stupid watch and half of my friends are professional techies.


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