Ninja and IB?

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    Posted by puma on 1st of Sep 2015 at 12:00 pm

    Matt, or anyone who knows -- How well does Ninja work with IB's data feed -- both on a fully integrated basis, or just for charting?

    it's fine for min charts

    Posted by matt on 1st of Sep 2015 at 12:04 pm

    it's fine for min charts etc, don't use it to fill futures chart back years etc.  For tick data, I've heard that IB sends 1 out of ever 4 ticks, there's holes in the data.  

    For me personally I use AMP futures for my data feed, but then I make a second connection to IB where my trades get executed through, I don't use the data to power the charts, I use AMP.   Though in order to use multiple connections like that you will need a multi broker version of Ninja, otherwise you can only connect to one data feed or broker at a time. 

    Thanks Matt -- that's very

    Posted by puma on 1st of Sep 2015 at 12:08 pm

    Thanks Matt -- that's very helpful if I decide to look into it.


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