the SPY Ver 2 and

    SPY Ver 2 and SPY RSI 2 went long

    Posted by matt on 27th of Jul 2015 at 03:35 pm

    the SPY Ver 2 and RSI 2 systems will be taking their second entry today at the close should SPY close below a price of $207.28

    good point, it's always been

    Posted by matt on 27th of Jul 2015 at 04:03 pm

    good point, it's always been 0.45 but I think a while back I did a test and said 0.72 was better, my TS had crashed a while back and I must have lost that setting.  The 0.72 price as a slightly higher profit factor than 0.9 and 0.45, the 0.72% price price is at 206.72 and below, today it would have missed it by 2 cents as SPY on TS closed at 206.74, damn close

    If you feel lower prices are in store, then you can wait, up to you.  I may officially adopt this new 0.72% price but ONLY after this trade is complete, I can't change it now that it's sent

    A close for SPY at

    Posted by junkie on 27th of Jul 2015 at 04:16 pm

    A close for SPY at 206.74 means there is no second entry today?

    guys I apologize for the

    Posted by matt on 27th of Jul 2015 at 05:53 pm

    guys I apologize for the confusion but read what I wrote below:  I said going forward it's going to be 0.72%, however the email that went out used the normal 0.45%, since I had already emailed it out I'm not retracting that because that causes more confusion and 20 or 30 angry emails from people saying they already bought and can't sell yada yada, so I'll simply use the 0.45% this time which is what it always used to be anyway.  However from now on AFTER this trade closes out I'll use the 0.72% instead.  Again since you guys saw it here you have one up on others and you can clearly wait and follow that instead, again do what you feel is right.  I'll change the page to 0.72% for SPY Ver 2

    The Mechanicla System Overview for Spy Ver 2 says

    Posted by nabanco98 on 27th of Jul 2015 at 04:12 pm

    "The 2nd scale in has to be 0.9% better than the first entry price for Longs, where as the scale-in for shorts is entered at 2% better".

    I am so confused what the correct second entry scale in actually is for Spy Ver 2.

    Also confused by the Basket Performance which shows SPY RSI 2 and SPY Ver 2 bother entered 7/24 at the close but one shows buy price of 208.22 and hte other 207.94?


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