Where else to put cash

    China - To become the Global Banker...

    Posted by a_l_ on 22nd of Jul 2015 at 10:02 am

    Where else to put cash in a deflationary environment? Cash!

    ha true.   Okay guys last

    Posted by matt on 22nd of Jul 2015 at 10:07 am

    ha true.  

    Okay guys last post on this precious metals stuff otherwise it becomes 90% of the blog, it's not doing anything anyway, no buy signals or reversals, trend is the same, so no reason to dominate the blog with it until we see a signal

    Anyway this video Money as Debt ,explains why simply printing money does not equal inflation, explains how money works and understanding deflationary / inflationary cycles will make more sense.  Great educational video, watch it if you haven't

    lastly when trading, throw away the articles and conspiracies, TRADE THE CHARTS, a lot simpler that way


    Posted by saturn6 on 22nd of Jul 2015 at 10:07 am

    I know Oil dropped but did we get cheaper fuel?


    Don't the Austrians say that

    Posted by a_l_ on 22nd of Jul 2015 at 10:15 am

    Don't the Austrians say that inflation & deflation are in money first and prices on a delay? A strong dollar is by definition deflationary because it increases purchasing power. But there's also deflationary slack in labor worldwide; production capacity, etc. All deflationary.


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