
    New lows EGO/HMY just awful bearmarket

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 10:25 am

    Only if you are un-hedged long ...Lol!!

    Buy the physical while you can...Bank of Greece stop sales when they were needed most...


    I heard the Stock Market was shut down to prevent selling while the Metals Market was shut down to prevent buying.

    I see there are divergences emerging for physical over spot price, esp for large orders. If you can get it.

    saturn - trade the charts

    Posted by matt on 9th of Jul 2015 at 10:33 am

    saturn - trade the charts man.  also all that stuff is more deflationary and hurts gold more than it helps.

    anyway I'll be curious to see the commercial net short this Friday, I bet it's fallen.  but I need a trigger, I don't buy because some place has stopped sales or some other conspiracy.  Trading the charts keeps it simple and charts don't lie or have agendas,

    'Trade the charts man'??

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 12:50 pm

    I do trade the charts and go to some effort and valuable time to post them here giving clear and concise commentary on entries.

    Admittedly I may not be that active of late as I was away for 4 weeks and I have not been actively trading that much since my return.

    Saturn, your charts are excellent. 

    Posted by wowten on 9th of Jul 2015 at 12:58 pm

    Saturn, your charts are excellent.  Appreciate your thoughts.  thanks

    Cheers wowten!!...

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 01:11 pm

    SLV - I was tempted to cash in a third as it has moved uo 80 points for me, but will hang in and see if it can reach the upper line on the 60Min, as it has recovered the 'Ledge' as I had expected, and the indicators and ratio look promising.

    Stops are in profit now...

    actually hmy and ego both

    Posted by wowten on 9th of Jul 2015 at 10:36 am

    actually hmy and ego both starting to look interesting here.

    Huge pos divergence and sell volume dropping off.

    If gold stays below 1200 think EGO could go into liquidation

    Posted by torvix on 10th of Jul 2015 at 02:42 am

    On what basis are you

    Posted by wowten on 10th of Jul 2015 at 09:28 am

    On what basis are you making this statement? 

    EGO is one of the lowest cost producers in the world.

    They have good and well respected management.

    they have gold properties in multiple countries.

    I believe they have been taken to the woodshed based on their operations in Greece, but given the horrific economy in Greece, that could actually be a plus going forward with high unemployment and government looking for industry to create jobs etc.

    Charts showing positive divergence.

    I think Torvix may have

    Posted by matt on 10th of Jul 2015 at 09:40 am

    I think Torvix may have had a long in EGO that he held too long back in May so he may also be a bit emotional about it

    Not really.

    Posted by torvix on 10th of Jul 2015 at 09:43 am

    Breakeven for the sector is $1,200 according to what I read.

    $8.2m in losses in the first quarter is terrible imo

    Posted by torvix on 10th of Jul 2015 at 09:35 am


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