Who really knows?

    US - Under Intense Cyber Attack...

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 06:02 am

    Although coupled with China lending money to investors to buy stocks and a short selling ban, how long will it be before selling your stocks becomes a criminal offense? Lol The press are apparently not permitted to use the word selling in China now.

    What was it really?...Who knows.
    Stopped a lot of open trades. A big sell off. China won't allow that & now NY just switches the off button!
    Stay physical. It's safest.Like tsurplus mentioned earlier...'"Hotel California" syndrome -- you can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave'


    Short selling is a very

    Posted by matt on 9th of Jul 2015 at 09:03 am

    Short selling is a very important function of the market.  It's a checks and balances sort of thing, keeps the market from getting too frothy, like yin and yang. When short selling is suspended that is not a good thing, it hurts things.

    Chinese market went up 135% in a year, that's like our SPX going up from 2100 to 4800 in a year.  When things go up too fast, it's not healthy, parabolic moves and a very hard correction. 

    I find it funny how many citizens and some gov agencies are saying it's 'Foreign devils' who caused or are causing this? Really? Seriously?  again when things go up too quickly they also come down quickly.  Simply ran out of buyers

    I read that with the Chinese gov so actively trying to manipulate the market, it will cause more foreigners to avoid that market because they think it's rigged, so while their gov may actually have the opposite effect that they wanted.  

    anyway I"m a big proponent of letting free markets trade freely without intervention, some is okay but too much and it mucks it up

    Short Selling

    Posted by cwallace123 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 04:37 pm

    Banning Short Selling would be a bad Idea IMO, because all short-sales must be covered. However, what would happen in the case of banning short selling, is that short sellers, would be replaced by outright sellers. This is another example of 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'. Markets need to be allowed to breathe, markets expand and contract, ebb and flow, just like anything else in nature, and whenever governments or central banks get involved it only makes the ultimate outcome even worse. JMO. 



    To delibaretely cause pain/injury to countries like Greece and before Portugal and Spain.

    So I think it needs to be outlawed otherwise it is abused by wealthy nations seeking to exploit poorer ones. That is a moral issue, and also in interests of fair markets.

    No evidence of this. The

    Posted by a_l_ on 9th of Jul 2015 at 10:37 am

    No evidence of this. The hard evidence on terrorist use of financial instruments is in the options market (see Jim Rickard's work on 9/11). The big threat to the US is market disruption from the Chinese or Russians or ISIS, etc. That is why yesterday's outage is a concern.

    Maybe other way around too.

    US abusing countries like Argentina, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Asia, Latin America, and others under a pretext of "financial crisis" which is actually financial terrorism.

    I gather international warrants have been issued against those knowingly intending such an outcome.

    *and Brasil also alleging this.

    We are & should be

    Posted by a_l_ on 9th of Jul 2015 at 11:10 am

    We are & should be fighting back against large state & terrorist financial activity. There is no evidence the US is targeting Argentina, Spain, Greece, etc. Yes on China, Russia, terrorist groups.

    The allegation is being made by other nations

    Posted by torvix on 9th of Jul 2015 at 11:18 am

    around world is that parties in the US are undertaking it and they are reacting to it.

    Its not something I am interested in personally just saying.

    I gather international arrest warrants have been issued covered by international law.

    looks like East/West...

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 12:53 pm

    are being primed to detest each other if you ask me. I wonder why?

    May not mean much...

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Jul 2015 at 12:55 pm

    but it does matter...As eg, we never seem to have such issues when up-trending.

    They just get ignored.

    Posted by a_l_ on 9th of Jul 2015 at 12:56 pm

    They just get ignored.


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