
    Posted by matt on 30th of Jun 2015 at 09:45 am

    Gold down -$10, which I'm not surprised by, remember the stocks have been under performing and it's never good when the stocks do not lead


    Posted by saturn6 on 30th of Jun 2015 at 09:54 am

    Gold Silver and Miners under pressure again. But rememebr there is the qtryly options expiration today, and may be why the Greece debacle has had little or no impact.

    A 'Straddle' may be a good option as Silver decides which way to go, if it loses the ledge then $10-11 will come into view, as it would have failed the breakout that was stumped by the 50/Week MA.

    The daily SLV is at the lower BB with divergences so as I say a 'Straddle' may be the safest bet here...



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