Bond market liquidity

    66 Days to go?....

    Posted by pwb8 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 12:52 pm

    This is the Achilles heel in my view.  When liquidity dries up, the market will go down significantly driving cash into precious metals.

    According To Bank of America, NB

    Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 12:54 pm

    According To Bank of America,

    NB Now - Criticising the Fed Not Just - Once (Above) but.... Twice (Below)
    - Is someone there - looking for a - swan dive - or what ??

    This Is "The Biggest Risk To Global Equities"

    "While most are focused on the risks around a withdrawal of liquidity, we believe the biggest hit to confidence could be the opposite: if another round of US QE is necessary to prop up the economy,"
    - BofAML says, suggesting the Fed now cornered
    - as raising rates risks..... destabilizing markets and...
    - QE4 risks.... betraying the.... futility....
    - of successive ....central bank interventions


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