Tick Tool

    Posted by 2thguy on 17th of Apr 2015 at 09:35 am

    Good Morning Eveybody!!!

    Matt,  the Tick Tool says emotion top 8% price top 80%.  Does that mean we will have a gap fill?

    2thguy what that stat means

    Posted by matt on 17th of Apr 2015 at 09:42 am

    2thguy what that stat means is that this gap is emotional in the top 8% of all gaps over 20 years, NOT by %.  Again I don't know what that means exactly as I didn't create this.  The guy did tell me that the gap thing on OPEX days is not as powerful because that creates a lot of volatility with options expiration.  He said that he will be creating a separate gap for option expiration days.

    again we had a rising wedge and that is clearly playing out,


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