Monday Newsletter

    Monday Newsletter

    Posted by matt on 6th of Apr 2015 at 08:57 pm

    I removed the audio and added this text at the top


    Attention!  We had a problem with the newsletter audio this evening and Steve is unable to record another version at this moment as he is at the doctor.  I may try to record something later tonight to go with the newsletter however it will be a couple hrs as I have commitments right now.

    Therefore For now you can simply look at the charts and also the  Trading Community Blog  for intra day market updates that we posted all day long

    Thank you, Matt! Could you please

    Posted by junkie on 6th of Apr 2015 at 09:05 pm

    Thank you, Matt!

    Could you please comment on chart 10 (bullish versus bearish  scenario) and suggest a place for a stop if holding a long position? I am getting 2068 based on chart 14.

    What kind of pullback is expected tomorrow based on the indicators? The Fed notes on Wednesday is a catalyst to the upside into tomorrow's close, in my opinion.

    Also, I am seeing a

    Posted by junkie on 6th of Apr 2015 at 09:21 pm

    Also, I am seeing a pullback of 17 points since the 31st of March low. That would give a likely target of 2087-17= 2070 for the largest pullback tomorrow, based on chart 12.


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