My feeling is central planning is not so much an attempt to smooth natural cycles as it is an attempt to give an insolvent system the appearance of solvency. It is desperation. That is why it is hard to accept and merely BTFD.

    I think that's what it

    Posted by a_l_ on 18th of Mar 2015 at 03:53 pm

    I think that's what it ends up being, but they really do believe they can bend gravity. And if you have a good signal to BTFD, that's trading the market you're stuck with well.

    BTW, I think the issue

    Posted by zenman on 18th of Mar 2015 at 04:40 pm

    BTW, I think the issue at the moment is not about propping up the markets, but talking the dollar down. I am sure that there is more than a little pressure to get the US back into the race to the bottom. I will look at shorting pullbacks DX. I think we have a signal and trigger for the weekly chart on DX. Got a nice dip long trade on DX this afternoon, btw.

    Dollar, Rates, Markets, maybe in

    Posted by a_l_ on 18th of Mar 2015 at 04:46 pm

    Dollar, Rates, Markets, maybe in order of importance. Your turn, Uncles Abe & Mario.


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