Well said Steve. I heard


    Posted by rgoodwin on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 01:09 pm

    Well said Steve. I heard some Congressman on TV yesterday, when asked if we were doing the right thing respond that he did not know enough or understand enough to know. So our leaders are also lemmings and following the poison pill of whomever they THINK is on the right side of the plan. Without a knowldgeable basis for making a VOTE how does one VOTE for such a bail out bill in Congress. I don;t recall who this was but it was pathetic to hear. Better response would have been to follow up with a comment that he intended to consult some respected EXTERNAL economists and get an idea of what this all means - before he is asked to cast a vote. Trouble is, I am sure he is not in the minority in his knowledge, I sadly suspect he is in the majority.


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