
    Posted by dylan398 on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 12:53 pm

    when will we see people start marching on the White seems we are all just lemmings accepting whatever our government tell us is best...VERY SCARY...almost as scary as those stupid Microsoft commercials with Gates and Seinfeld..

    My Thoughts

    Posted by dodgerdog on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 12:58 pm
    Title: Comments

    right on dodger

    Posted by kevmars on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 02:03 pm

    Your comments are spot on.  We won't see any straight talk out of Congress on this issue just more wishful thinking and happy talk for the sheeple.

    For those not familiar check out the recent posts from Mike Shedlock...he nails it.

    "people are losing their homes".....because

    Posted by dylan398 on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 01:49 pm

    "people are losing their homes".....because they borrowed too much....meanwhile there are people on the sidelines with cash waiting for these homes to come to a "buy point"...this is the American way.....weak hands sell to the strong hands.

    Some of us in this country didn't buy 5 or 6 bedroom "cribs"....I live well within my means and have outside income from rental properties....I for one didn't receive a stimulus...nor will I receive any help from a bailout.....If someone has to move from their house to a rental property so be it.....Last I checked owning a home was not a right...

    The assumption is, that the

    Posted by ralph on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 02:04 pm

    The assumption is, that the next first time eligable home buying generation will buy the excess inventory.  The children of the baby boomers was the last large generation.  The children of the echo generation is smaller, due to 2 spouses working and, (the greatest contraceptive of all) - cable TV!  I'm firmly convinced that if we want to control the growth of the emerging countries, we should give them free cable.  But I digress, this housing crisis will take longer to fix because of less buyers.

    Dylan - I agree wholeheartedly

    Posted by dodgerdog on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 01:58 pm

    Dylan - I agree wholeheartedly with your statements below.  My fear is that those (like us) that actually lived within their means will be punished (taxed, etc.) to bail out others.  Re-distribution of wealth could occur since many now have nothing which serves to penalize those who did not overspend, etc.

    that is why it makes

    Posted by dylan398 on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 02:07 pm

    that is why it makes me so angry.......I feel like I'm not being represented in all this....I'm just being told there would be a complete failure of the system if we don't do this....So I say lets go to a socialist state and quit acting like it's something different....the rich capitalze the wealth...and socialize the pain...while the poor keep getting handouts and the upper middle class(over 75K/year) keeps taking it in the shorts...

    Well said Steve. I heard

    Posted by rgoodwin on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 01:09 pm

    Well said Steve. I heard some Congressman on TV yesterday, when asked if we were doing the right thing respond that he did not know enough or understand enough to know. So our leaders are also lemmings and following the poison pill of whomever they THINK is on the right side of the plan. Without a knowldgeable basis for making a VOTE how does one VOTE for such a bail out bill in Congress. I don;t recall who this was but it was pathetic to hear. Better response would have been to follow up with a comment that he intended to consult some respected EXTERNAL economists and get an idea of what this all means - before he is asked to cast a vote. Trouble is, I am sure he is not in the minority in his knowledge, I sadly suspect he is in the majority.

    I missed the commercials but

    Posted by rgoodwin on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 12:56 pm

    I missed the commercials but we are more lemmings than leaders that is for certain. The most important thing folks can do in about 43 days is get out and VOTE. We need to tell Washington we are back in the game and we tend to stay here. Please ask your neighbors to vote. It's embarrassing and shameful that we have the lowest voter turn out of most every nation in the world.


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