short funds & metals ETFs

    Posted by kreem on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 11:27 am

    I repeat from Friday, after which it received only private comments over the weekend, given the extremity of the action by several governments of banning short-selling altogether, NOT just naked, NOT just in financials, and what is happening with SKF, do people think it is unwise to hold ANY of these pro-shares short funds, hell , what about GLD and SLV (!?)  NOT because of volatility or directionality but simply for fear of rigging or god knows what? God knows they've confiscated and 'revalued' Gold before and this stuff is already just as OTT as that..I want to stay short but these theives are as unpredictable as crack addicts!

    If so are there alternatives that in their own interests they could never touch ? - there's always loopholes for the rich, albeit they get sneakier with time.

    This may be worth discussing!? There are many with more experience here than me it would be good to hear from, but I've gotta say many times it seems I've brought up the obvious, to either deafening silence or touchiness, only to find it pan out as next week's issue. Whatever, but it seems like an opportunity to pool minds lost.

    So, once again I humbly invite your opinions on this I think very pertinent & timely issue .

    Kreem, I think it may

    Posted by rgoodwin on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 11:48 am

    Kreem, I think it may be a little early for them to confiscate the privately held funds of GLD and SLV - however I would not put it in the category of out of the realm of possibility. Under the guise of saving the banks, they may just well be discussing with CB's around the world the need to confiscate gold in the coming months so that world reserves are large enough to at least feed the people. GLD holds more bullion than some whole countries combined and we truly have no idea what really is at Ft. Knox anymore. It would not surprise me if such a thing did not happen. It is something we can only speculate about. The "leaders" knew for a very long time this current crisis was coming and yet they waited until the nth hour to do something about it, making the country believe we had JUST NOW gotten so bad off. They likely have a similar plan for confiscation. They already know the world wide financial system is in peril of exploding - regardless of bail out plans but they will wait until a Friday night to announce they are confiscating any and all available large G & S reserves in an effort to protect the public. Maybe you could sell your shares every Friday and buy back on Monday - you may give up a few pennies of profit, but at least you would sleep better.


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