rp; makes sense, I covered

    Posted by trade on 18th of Sep 2008 at 09:53 am

    rp; makes sense, I covered shorts on the close yesterday, almost pulled the short trigger with the Dow up 150 but hesitated, hoping we get one more thrust up.  How far do you think this could bounce today?

    S&P 500 15 min chart

    Posted by matt on 18th of Sep 2008 at 10:09 am

    Here's a 15 min chart of the S&P 500, possible falling wedge, watch the downtrend line of the wedge

    Dynamic Link chart

    S&P 500 15 min chart SPX

    Posted by matt on 18th of Sep 2008 at 03:57 pm

    SPX 15 min chart, this was posted this morning, notice the breakout from the wedge, so those following this had early warning.  Again this market is crazy volatile as you have seen!!

    1210 to 1220 resistance now

    Posted by trade on 18th of Sep 2008 at 04:00 pm

    1210 to 1220 resistance now on S&P?

    Matt, downtrend line a good

    Posted by trade on 18th of Sep 2008 at 10:31 am

    Matt, downtrend line a good place to short, with a fairly tight stop?  Or do you think we are more likely to break out of the wedge to the upside and start a more substantial rally?

    COMPQ 15

    Posted by goldinv1 on 18th of Sep 2008 at 10:07 am

    2155 is a logical place for the NAZ to start struggling.   Also, 200 EMA is major resistance according to Matt's charts.


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