Well I'm happy that I

    Gold Stocks with Charts

    Posted by matt on 17th of Sep 2008 at 05:13 pm

    Well I'm happy that I at least threw a list of gold stocks here last night, I hope these helped you guys, I wanted to send out a video but it was too late, but nice job to those of you were were Long gold stocks coming into today or even those who bought in the morning.  Also congrats to those who held their shorts

    Eventually the market is going to capitulate and give us a bottom, could be very very soon.  We need to start looking where to exit.  Our targets to the down side are the 62% retracement on the SPX and Dow etc. 

    You don't need to get the last 10 cents or the exact bottom, start scaling out.  Eventually wet get a wash out

    covered my shorts into the

    Posted by trade on 17th of Sep 2008 at 07:22 pm

    covered my shorts into the close today, I was short SSO primarily, also long SDS.  VIX 36.40, didn't want to get greedy.... think we could be in a crash window though so may reshort a bounce...


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