Posted by racerick on 30th of Apr 2014 at 06:14 am

    TWTR making new early morning lows - stock now at all time new low - down 50% from it's high in December at a time when the market near it's all time high. Company still doesn't have an effective plan for monetizing it's platform and why anyone would buy the stock here have no idea. Typically broken stocks like this usually have to form a base for awhile before any meaningful recovery, if ever. Sure there is a bounce to be had somewhere but I personally try to shy away from the falling knife strategy.

    TWTR 15min -

    TWTR Daily -

    YELP - reports today - has been stronger past day and 1/2 and looks like it could bounce, but insiders have been pretty heavy sellers past few weeks and read a report yesterday that insiders have sold 116 million shares versus 0 buys in past 15 months. Stock is down 50% from it's high just 6 weeks ago on 3/5/14 but still double what it was 1 year ago when it broke out from it's base at 24ish on the way to $101 and another company that's yet to figure out how to make money.

    YELP weekly -



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