short perhaps?

    SPX 1 with Fibs

    Posted by valgata on 21st of Feb 2014 at 03:27 pm

    steve! would this be a short from the bounce to the fibs numbers ?

    valgata..depends upon your time frame

    Posted by steve on 21st of Feb 2014 at 03:37 pm

    valgata..depends upon your time frame but you could take a short near the .618 FIB with a stop above the 5 minute downtrend line. It may only be good for a few points. 

    thanks; what about on the

    Posted by valgata on 21st of Feb 2014 at 03:41 pm

    thanks; what about on the daily time frame?

    valgata - I discuss such

    Posted by steve on 21st of Feb 2014 at 03:45 pm

    valgata - I discuss such triggers in tutorials.  I would prefer to see 50% of yesterday's range broken and this was discussed in last night's newsletter.  I sent you a private message as well. Sometimes intraday signals morph into larger swings but they must break key levels of support.


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