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    this EW concept - I'm

    Posted by matt on 13th of Dec 2013 at 04:50 pm

    this EW concept - I'm going to add that to the SPY system, remember the SPY system is a reversion to mean system, it's not a trending system, though I have added some trending components to it.  The BPT MA Deluxe and the SPY Pro system are mutually exclusive to one another and completely different concepts.  Anyway where it can get caught sometimes is buying a dip too early - with my recent work on the BPT MA Deluxe EW component, I can add that to the SPY system which would give a little more intelligence to the system so when those trending times occur, it could be signaled to wait and buy a deeper pullback rather than buying too early.  But again work work work, that's all I do LOL. even for the BPT MA Deluxe, I still have about 10 things on my mind to add to it, it all takes a lot of time and very difficult to code.

    man my ass is dragging

    Posted by matt on 13th of Dec 2013 at 11:38 am

    man my ass is dragging today.....got about 1 1/2 hrs of sleep, someone here needs to go buy me a $6 quad venti latte at Startbucks LOL, ha continued joke from our prior discussion the other day about how some people spend 100's a month at Starbucks

    Hi Matt:  In one of the

    Posted by nickross on 17th of Dec 2013 at 07:40 am

    Hi Matt: 

    In one of the earlier versions of the BPT MA Indicator, you had it turn Blue at times between Green and Red. 

    Have you removed this logic from the new version? Does it make sense having the indicator turn Blue or to remove it completely?


    Yes - that functionality is

    Posted by matt on 17th of Dec 2013 at 09:28 am

    Yes - that functionality is still there, I just have don't show it, it's a simple true/false statement.

    and remember that blue color occurred by a stochastic or RSI length that you pre set - it's on the file that you version that you can download on the site as well

    Conflicting signals

    Posted by torvix on 17th of Dec 2013 at 09:18 am
    Title: Conflicts

    torvix- remember the BPT MA Deluxe

    Posted by matt on 17th of Dec 2013 at 09:40 am

    torvix- remember the BPT MA Deluxe is not a system yet, it's a trending indicator and can be used for that knowledge, and once it's an official system, it will be a trending system, whereas the SPY systems are reversion to mean systems, they are completely different concepts and mutually exclusive. 

    you can use them both and trade around them both actually, there are many different ETF's for SPX, one could trade both at the same time if you wanted, just like one could trade all three SPY systems at the same time by allocating different percentages to each one.  

    Thanks Matt. How would you

    Posted by torvix on 17th of Dec 2013 at 10:17 am

    Thanks Matt. How would you use them? would it be on the basis we are in a range as evidenced by the conflict, hence sell strength and buy weakness, while we wait for both indicators to point in the same direction?

    First off you should not

    Posted by matt on 17th of Dec 2013 at 10:28 am

    First off you should not use the word conflict - there is no conflict between the two - the SPY reversion to mean systems go long when the BPT MA red quite a lot because they buy dips, the BPT MA is like turning a big ship, it's slow to respond and turn, many times when it first turns over red the market is oversold short term and in due for a short term bounce and the SPY systems don't need much of a bounce to get out.  now last night I discussed this trade on the SPY systems the FOMC tomorrow, this is higher risk, one could think about buying some put protection - if the FED mentions taper tomorrow the market won't like it.  

    I can discuss this topic later - right now I'm responding to others with trading questions on setups and trying to manage some things myself, so this is a topic for after hrs or mid day when the market is slower, you can also send me a pm or email to: support@breakpointtrades.com and we can have a further discussion in off time

    the SPY systems were all

    Posted by matt on 17th of Dec 2013 at 10:33 am

    the SPY systems were all profitable yesterday, so if anyone was overly nervous one could have taken the position off or 1/2 the position off for profits, heck they are still slightly profitable even with the down move this morning- tomorrows FOMC could be market moving

    I still have another EW

    Posted by matt on 13th of Dec 2013 at 10:12 am

    I still have another EW tick to add to the BPT MA Deluxe indicator, maybe can get it done tonight, then I have about 7 other things to add after that LOL


    Posted by saf10000 on 14th of Dec 2013 at 04:10 pm

    Matt, great  idea.  Appreciate all your time and work on this.  Looking forward to applying it.



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