Ha! Good one!


    Posted by morton13 on 10th of Dec 2013 at 02:59 pm

    I guess you could have told him that after making a couple of your trades that he could afford Starbucks and a membership for a year.....

    Yeah one of my coworkers was giving me a hard time because i go there every day as my splurge, fortunately i only drink coffee which has no calories otherwise i would weigh 500 lbs....anyway i asked him what car he drove and he said he had a brand new cadillac top of the line....and i said the same thing, seriously?

    another story on Starbucks then

    Posted by matt on 10th of Dec 2013 at 03:07 pm

    another story on Starbucks then we'll get back to trading stuff - I think it was one of my friend's coworkers was having some personal financial problems, and she was told to do a budget to write everything down she spent money on for a few weeks, and one of the things that showed up was that she was spending like $300 - $400 a month at Starbucks!  So clearly she had to cut that way back as she didn't make much anyway.  Anyway - people don't realize sometimes the crazy amount of money the spend on things until they actually write it down

    In reference to your Starbucks

    Posted by mla127 on 10th of Dec 2013 at 03:44 pm

    In reference to your Starbucks post and budget,too many people don't seems to realize how much money they really spend, and this is probably caused by the fact that they use credit cards to pay instead of a cash transaction. Spend a $100 in bills of $20 in your hands do feels different than swiping a card, plus having to physically go to the ATM to withdraw money makes you realize how fast you spend it ;)   This also goes with politicians ;) ... now that the everyone on TV is in the hundreds of millions or Billions, many don't even seems to realize what's really a million dollar and talk about it like it's pocket change! 

    never had a starbucks

    Posted by roger on 10th of Dec 2013 at 03:16 pm

    last person in the known world to be able to say that

    funny but I've never had a Big Mac !

    Posted by morton13 on 10th of Dec 2013 at 03:17 pm

    oh my, dang!

    Posted by morton13 on 10th of Dec 2013 at 03:12 pm

    and a wise mentor friend of mine told me....

    Its not how much you earn but how much you save!


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