With the government rapidly printing money at its current pace....I find it hard to believe we could have deflation....

    There is a very real

    Posted by cubby on 30th of Sep 2013 at 08:31 pm

    There is a very real possibility that the government spending is what's CAUSINGthe deflation.

    Now to be fair, correlation is not causation.

    But there was once a time, not long ago when bonds and stocks traded together, not inverse to each other, as they do today.

    The switch occurred gradually, but was in full force by the late-90s. Many say this followed the collapse of Japan's real estate bubble in 1990 and this is what may have caused the polarity switch. Google it.

    And so, perhaps it's no longer correct to blame/credit government surplus and deficit spending for inflation?

    A fair question that may be answered in a few years.

    Gold not rallying is not deflation

    Posted by ronjuan on 1st of Oct 2013 at 12:00 am

    Deflation only has to do with money supply(shrinking and that has not happened since 1929) Ben has his foot on the gas and is printing more money in the last three years than was printed in the last 20 years...gold's not rallying for supply and demand reasons or lack of inflation.  Stocks go down and that causes the bonds to rally which lowers interest rates yields which means inflation isn't going up and that hurts gold.

    appreciate your input but clearly

    Posted by muslhead on 1st of Oct 2013 at 12:15 am

    appreciate your input but clearly we went to different MBA schools.  your view is quite different than that is accepted and understood by the educated economic community


    Posted by ronjuan on 1st of Oct 2013 at 12:27 am

    What is the definition of Deflation.....A persistent decrease in the level of consumer prices or a persistent increase in the purchasing power of money because of a reduction in available currency and credit.  Is there a shortage of money or credit now....?  Who is there community that you speak of....The Fed Embarassed

    An intellectual debate! How exciting.

    Posted by cubby on 1st of Oct 2013 at 01:12 am

    An intellectual debate! How exciting. There is also a problem of perspective that may be affecting all of us. There is a point of view (ironic) that holds those within a financial bubble are unable to see it for what it is, due to their frame of reference being distorted by the bubble. In other words, if everything is distorted, then nothingwill appear distorted to some one inside the twisted universe. This is where purchasing power parity, currency exchange rates, and the Big Mac index come into the discussion. Google them. Still interested? Then update us all here at BPT and let's figure out together where gold is going next!

    We need some inflation for gold to really go....

    Posted by ronjuan on 1st of Oct 2013 at 01:26 am

    The Fed keeps selling the idea that there is none....but everything including the Big Mac keep going up in price or smaller in size (good for the waistline)....Matt said it tonight...it has been sitting here and is going to break one way or the other....the long term trend line still has not been hit and although I am long here this could still be bottoming and lower price could easily happen.  There is no shortage of gold.  But there does seem to be a shortage of buying of it....alot of hedgies sold, India is clamping down on purchasing of it due to there Ruppie problem.  China may slow down there buying because there real estate problems could start to pop that bubble.  The only thing that is going to get gold really going is INFLATION.....

    spot the tail wagging the dog

    Posted by cubby on 1st of Oct 2013 at 02:12 am
    Title: see attached chart


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