some may care about the

    15 min SPX chart

    Posted by dallahoo on 9th of Sep 2008 at 02:36 pm

    some may care about the waves from a longer term point of view. I have a core short position that I ahve kept for more than a year, have added bits and pieces here and thre.

    I have been shorting WYNN since it topped, have nailed every turn, just by doing the waves. Waves called more decline for cameco, while many letter writers were calling a bottom and a new bull. Waves called a top in GG to the penny.

    Trading short term is fine, but it is hard, for many, including me, who are not as good traders as a select few, for us mere mortals, true money is made on longer trends. There are different techniquess in detrmining trends, corrections, and trend changes, I jusrt so happen to use waves


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