I'm 100% with you, zwyss.

    Metals are very weak because?

    Posted by RichieD on 4th of Jan 2013 at 07:22 am

    I, like most others here at Breakpointtrades, trade stocks short-term and benfit immensely from the technical wisdom on offer.  But I also carry a long-term position on gold because in my opinion, the US $$$ and the US fiscal situation is nothing more than a house of cards waiting to collapse.

    Waiting to be proved correct (paid off), however, has been painful.  I call it "The frustration of knowing you're right and suffering the consequences anyway".  Quite similar to carrying a position based on fundamentals when the technicals are saying don't do that.  

    I concur: there's untold manipulation going on in the precious metals arena.  Too much at stake for those with the power to allow things to play out the way we know they should.  How is it that Bernanke can hint at the possibility that maybe, somewhere down the road, the Fed will stop buying Treasuries, and as a result of that garbage, the gold market breaks down?  Do people think for themselves?  

    Quite the farce...especially if one stops to think about what they have doing anyway: that is, buying their own debt.  Sort of like me using a credit card to deposit money to my checking account so I can pay my bills.  One day the music stops!!      


    Title: Former gold bug I got

    Posted by kalinm on 4th of Jan 2013 at 08:00 am
    Title: Former gold bug

    Nice Gold article from this AM

    Posted by amillett on 4th of Jan 2013 at 07:51 am
    Title: GOLD Selloff Article


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