Posted by drorlando on 25th of Apr 2008 at 03:58 pm


    I am going by 60 minute with negative divergnce SPX.  Could be wrong, but I belive SRS is a deal at these prices.

    doc - you can scale

    Posted by matt on 25th of Apr 2008 at 04:11 pm

    doc - you can scale in for sure, however for me personally I might wait for the downtrend line and Stochastics, right now the downtrend line comes in about 84.5, so I only give up about 4 to be sure.  Depending on what the market does I might have to adjust the other trendline. But yes support near 78 - 79 is an objective place to buy some or scale in.

    SRS chart

    Bullish Percent Real Esteate

    Posted by matt on 27th of Apr 2008 at 06:44 pm

    FYI, I did a scan and the Bullish Percent for Real Estate based on the 81 components of IYR is currently 72%, therefore it's getting up there! I have NOT made any graphs so I have not history on it, however this is something to note. I'll probably make a bullish percent graph BPReal this week with a 9 EMA, which will help you guys who are interested in SRS

    Incidentally, back in early March when URE bottomed, the Bullish Percent Real Estate was only 25%!! So it has come up quite far.  

    Matt, this sounds great, I've tried

    Posted by ocracoke53 on 27th of Apr 2008 at 08:37 pm


    this sounds great, I've tried reducing the number of trades I make, and your setups for energy, precious metals, and now the real estate sector - will hopefully make the trades I do make much more profitable.



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