yes guys, seasonality tends to

    What happend to Silver?

    Posted by matt on 29th of May 2012 at 03:55 pm

    yes guys, seasonality tends to be poor this time of year, but again that can vary and gold/silver obviously didn't follow seasonality this spring, most of the time it's strong up until early to mid May.

    fxprosilver - in response to your question about Silver earlier today, as you know Silver has been in a long correction since April 2011 after it's parabolic blow off top.  Typically after a parabolic blow off top, it takes a long period of consolidation before the stock/instrument is ready to resume it's move up again, we have been seeing this with Silver as expected.

    Otherwise yes Silver will move along with gold and inverse to the US Dollar, however it also has more correlation to the economy and stock market vs gold because it is an industrial metal, unlike gold.

    For now the long term uptrend line from 2008 is holding and there are also some support levels between 25 - 26, however those must hold, otherwise the door would open for silver to fall down to the next long term support between 19.5 - 20.  See the first two charts

    Here's a few more charts.  ZSL is the ultra short ETF for silver, notice how it bounced off the 20 day MA and for now volume patterns are still constructive suggesting another move to the upside, and down move in Silver. 

    The next chart is a 10 min chart of SLV, for now looks like a bear flag?

    The final chart shows  you a 60 min chart of SLV, triangle forming, watch the direction this breaks

    let's see what happens from here...

    clearly that bear flag played

    Posted by matt on 30th of May 2012 at 09:45 am

    clearly that bear flag played out on Silver that I showed in yesterday's post, of course everything is down this morning as we see.

    Many pms had bear flags

    Posted by freddy123321 on 30th of May 2012 at 09:48 am

    Many pms had bear flags

    Freddy - over the weekend you

    Posted by matt on 30th of May 2012 at 10:04 am

    Freddy - over the weekend you asked me if the bounce in GDX could be a 4th wave, I gave a long reply, but here's how that would be labeled

    Realize that a 4th wave could morph out in a variety of ways; i.e. this move up could still just be wave A of 4 with the pullback being wave B of 4, then eventually GDX get's one more bounce as a wave C.  Or wave 4 could form a more complex triangle pattern (as shown in black) chopping around sideways forming an ABCDE pattern and then breaking down.  Or wave 4 could have been put in already as a small ABC and be ready to make new lows again - shown in red.  The attached chart shows three waves which wave 4 could play out. 

    so far with the volume patterns there is still hope for either the ABC with this pullback being a wave B, or the triangle pattern vs the sell off to new lows right from here.  But again we'll just see.  Otherwise if one of these 4th wave scenario does end up playing out with a new low eventually established, then I think PM stocks start to become more attractive for a longer swing trade bounce.  

    again we'll see...

    I think we see another

    Posted by freddy123321 on 30th of May 2012 at 10:35 am

    I think we see another low. But... I change on a dime.

    well all of those scenarios

    Posted by matt on 30th of May 2012 at 10:39 am

    well all of those scenarios I show ultimately form a new low after they are complete, it just depends on time.  One of them would see new lows fairly soon, while the other two would take time to play out before doing so, and one would take out the recent highs in a wave C but would again still ultimately make a low after it's completed.  

    we'll see....


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