Yes, tom, bottom is a

    GDX:GLD Ratio...

    Posted by gyzhao on 11th of May 2012 at 03:23 pm

    Yes, tom, bottom is a process.

    You have double bottom, triple bottom, V bottom, you have L bottom, you have several years bottom like UNG, but the point is nobody knows which one is before the process is ended.

    When I entered GDX was $50s, at that time I read a lot, all these articles were saying there was a bottom, Now GDX comes to $40s, people are still say here is a bottom, you should not sell. One day when the real bottom is formed for example, at $25. these entered earlier will catch a big falling knife. Thus better stay at side line!

    My two cents.

    GY, sounds like you might

    Posted by tom on 11th of May 2012 at 03:53 pm

    GY, sounds like you might need to stop listening to those "people".  Glad to have you on board as a new member and hopefully we can help you manage your current and future positions.

    The market will never really be nice and neat and the future of any position will be unclear.  Bad trades will be part of trading but you can have success managing the trades you get into and trying to make sure you utilize risk/reward parameters.  Sorry to hear your stuck in your current position and hopefully it is something you have learned from and ultimately will make you a stronger trader/investor.

    TOM, I got out when

    Posted by gyzhao on 11th of May 2012 at 04:08 pm

    TOM, I got out when I joined your website. The loss is not too bad. But I got a lot of lessons. This is the first time I stayed with a loss position. Previously any time when I see a loss I got out like rabbit, this time I listened to some articles I made mistake. I thought I am much better now. Stay with the trend is the most important thing when you get in a position.  we have to remember it forever. Do your own research really carefully, not listen to anybody else.  

    gyzhao - I sent you

    Posted by steve on 11th of May 2012 at 04:15 pm

    gyzhao - I sent you a private message earlier so check your inbox.

    Steve, Can you tell me how

    Posted by gyzhao on 11th of May 2012 at 04:57 pm


    Can you tell me how to choose the size of the gap when using Renko analysis?



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