TNX 10 Year Yield and TBT

    Posted by matt on 14th of Mar 2012 at 01:34 pm

    $TNX - we mentioned TBT and TNX yesterday, they continue to follow through today. Here's the daily TNX chart, the MACD looks pretty bullish how it was at the zero level and has crossed up and is pointing up.  

    $TNX - here's the monthly long term decade plus chart, as you can see it bounced off the longer trendline support

    TBT - inverse 2X bond ETF, it broke out of a nice base pattern

    TBT - another view, triangle,

    No chasing cars.

    Posted by auni on 14th of Mar 2012 at 03:52 pm

    Bad trading dog!  I missed it and that is what it is.  This is a trade not an investment.  No buy for me now. 

    Here is an article that gives a view that the bonds may get bought by the Chinese.  That means TBT will not go up to the moon, Alice.  And, this (TBT) may only be a short term trading play and not a long play:

    nice charts Matt, thanks.

    Posted by morton13 on 14th of Mar 2012 at 03:18 pm

    Chase it?

    Posted by auni on 14th of Mar 2012 at 03:08 pm

    Hi Matt,

    I had a buy stop on this for this morning but, it gapped above my limit price.  I assume you wouldn't buy today and wait for a retest?  I've been watching for a break for a while and I believe that the risk-off trade is going to pull money out of bonds for a while especially with the world outlook improving, the banks passing their stress tests, unemployment abating, and the election year coming on strong.

    Buy or be prudent and wait for the pull-back?

    Hello auni- yes it's tough now,

    Posted by matt on 14th of Mar 2012 at 03:28 pm

    Hello auni- yes it's tough now, the low risk time to buy some was yesterday when I posted it.  I posted it 2 or 3 times yesterday, that's when I picked some up, here's the posts from yesterday, click the link below.

    Otherwise I added to my position in the morning on the open, that was another time.  Now it's tough here to buy since it has a nice move so far. It may continue to follow through on momentum, but personally I'm not a good good momentum player

    Keep an eye on the 15 and 60 min charts for signs of a pullback, for now the chart still looks very strong, the 15 min has some minor divergence forming but it still looks strong to me otherwise, and the 60 min is super strong.  Therefore it may run higher before it pulls back

    the 5 min TNX, 60

    Posted by matt on 14th of Mar 2012 at 03:41 pm

    the 5 min TNX, 60 Stochastic has been over 80% since yesterday, so perhaps that is due for a minor retracement soon anyway


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