What to do with Minefinders (MFN) stock

    Posted by RichieD on 13th of Mar 2012 at 07:03 pm

    Anyone besides me sitting on shares of MFN contemplating what to do by Friday's deadline regarding three options to tender shares??

    I'm skeptical of option 3 (the "all cash offer" of $15.582 U.S.D. subject to proration and allocation by the company) since its well above today's close at $14.05/share.  Don't quite know the ramifications of "subject to proration and allocation, but it doesn't feel good.  Should have cashed out two weeks ago but didn't.  Option 2 (higher % of PAAS) is also subject to "proration and allocation", which to me means by default option 1 (guaranty of .55 shares of PAAS + $1.837 U.S.D.) is probably the best move at this point in time since its assured (assuming shareholders approve the deal).

    Or, I suppose I can sell into the market in the next day or two, as the stock looks poised to bounce - it sits just above its 200 day moving avg and its rising 50 day moving average.

    Anyone have a better analysis?    


    Posted by zwyss on 14th of Mar 2012 at 03:55 am

    I sold my MFN-shares but thinking of buying them back. I like PAAS, they are undervalued in my opinion. I like the silver play anyway...... 

    So in case I get MFN below 14 $,  I would go for the cash, but I wouldn't mind if I get the PAAS shares.



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