CVO - sometimes life is anything but fair

    Posted by RichieD on 1st of Mar 2012 at 12:23 pm

    Jumped into CVO about two weeks ago @ $3.80.  Stock broke out and ran to $4.20's; decided to keep a wide stop @ $3.88.  Yesterday I was taken out on what appeared to be the final trade of the day, right at $3.88.  Today, well today the stock soared to as high as $5.20 (currently trading around $4.88). 

    I guess its not my day.  Still working on perfecting those stops.   And yes, I can laugh it off.  What's the alternative? 

    WELL be happy you made$$

    Posted by honzer on 1st of Mar 2012 at 12:27 pm
    Title: I was going to buy and never did

    OR..... you could think about what

    Posted by parkridge77 on 1st of Mar 2012 at 12:36 pm

    OR..... you could think about what I did-- went long 1,000 shares of APPL at 86 and sold at 105  --- thought at the time I did real well post crash- NEVER got back in-- lol. Ugh- but it is what it is.    70% of the buy/sell in market is black box. Tough to time the market --why investors do what they do.  Retail should be grateful they have the opp to trade like this- market was never designed for the little guy to particpate like this--- armchair income.


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