Happy New Year!

    Posted by matt on 2nd of Jan 2012 at 06:01 pm

    I hope everyone had a better New Year than I had.  I was in laid up in bed all weekend with a stomach bug/flu of some sort.  I was finally able to get out of bed today without feeling nauseous, though my stomach still rumbles and I'm not 100%.  I was so sick over the weekend that I couldn't even sit at the computer.  I was hoping to use the extra time off to look at some systems etc, but obviously I couldn't do it.  I guess the bad headache I had on Friday was a prelude to this LOL.

    Happy New Year and we all hope you are doing better!

    Posted by morton13 on 3rd of Jan 2012 at 09:25 am

    yeah there is a flu bug going around in northern Indiana, my wife had it on Christmas Day unfortunately....I think its Gods way of saying time to slow down and get some rest! LOL anyway I get my flu shot every year and it seems to help.

    and to you Guys also...

    Posted by donald on 2nd of Jan 2012 at 08:28 pm

    Glad to see you are on the mend.


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