Short Setups

    Posted by steve on 10th of Nov 2011 at 09:05 am

    TZOO breaking 28 next 27.61 (be weary of falling wedge forming)

    PX breaking 97.86 or weak bounce

    INFY  breaking 55.92 or weak bounce

    FLR breaking 52.81 or weak bounce 

    SKX  breaking 13.5 then 13/12.81

    Watch IYR which is close to rolling over on daily...

    Steve what do you think

    Posted by msaini on 14th of Nov 2011 at 12:45 pm

    Steve what do you think of INFY now?

    watchlist or trade ideas

    Posted by msaini on 10th of Nov 2011 at 03:08 pm

    Steve what makes some stocks get to one of these two tabs?  I noticed these weren't on those links yet and almost missed them.


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