What ever happened to the idea...

    Posted by mfogli1 on 18th of Oct 2011 at 04:18 pm

    that closing strongly below the 20 month MA, like we did at the end of September, signals a bear market?   Is this just a bullshit move to suck in more buyers?  Does it make ANY sense at all to be short here?

    to hold a strong bias or at least to tie your money to that bias on anything longer than a trading basis.  It's either early in a longer bear or possibly near the end of an ugly correction.  I can sit here and make some pretty good cases why we should go down, up, or even sideways for a period of time.  The truth is that our long term charts tell us this has a high probability of being a longer term bear market.  It doesn't make it so, it just increases the probability.  It could  still end up being just an ugly correction.  We won't know which it is for a while.  

    If you have long term money riding one direction or another then you should have a stop where you realize that you are wrong and need to get out.  You should know where that point is.  Otherwise cash is safe until the picture clears.

    Personally, I think the risks are too high for a long term bias in either direction.  But, my risk profile is designed to keep what I have and make money when I can.  Your's may be different.

    Mine is to make money

    Posted by cruiser on 19th of Oct 2011 at 08:24 am

    Mine is to make money on a daily basis and leave predictions to the pros....

    it's not unusual (see green

    Posted by marketguy on 18th of Oct 2011 at 04:29 pm

    it's not unusual (see green circles)....long way to go before the end of the month.....

    , the better off you will be.     The NEWS of the hour drives this market until the vix settles down


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