Title: Copper/Coal comparison of 2008

    Posted by kalinm on 1st of Oct 2011 at 01:47 pm
    Title: Copper/Coal comparison of 2008 and 2011

    Potential doomsday short term targets...

    Posted by kalinm on 1st of Oct 2011 at 11:24 pm

    If the 1125 SP level is as important as I think it is, and the roadmap that was published exactly 3 years ago is accurate for now, here are some potential targets if we get a large sell-off starting in copper and the general market.  I know history doesn't repeat, but again, this is too eerily similar to ignore.

    great post

    Posted by lebow on 1st of Oct 2011 at 02:34 pm

    Looking at that US Coal

    Posted by kalinm on 1st of Oct 2011 at 02:02 pm

    Looking at that US Coal index chart is amazing.  The index has already lost 55% -- and smashed right through obvious support areas.


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