Chopped to death; just voicing my frustration!!!

    Posted by mfogli1 on 26th of Sep 2011 at 03:29 pm

    Wow, I'm not really a day trader.  Some days at work, I have more time than others to follow the market.  I could have SWORN that the 1150 area would have held as resistance and been a GREAT place to short. 

    I've of course been long precious metals stocks, including GDX, core position as well as via the swing system, and now THEY are getting trashed.  It's just frustrating getting hacked to death in this market. 

    I need traders therapy something aweful

    day trading

    Posted by hazbin1 on 26th of Sep 2011 at 04:10 pm
    Title: fwiw

    its been a rough mkt

    Posted by dblue on 26th of Sep 2011 at 03:34 pm

    its been a rough mkt for me too lately.

    all i can say is keep the losses small or at least manageable. i also have scaled way back in  position size. trading the extremes at both ends is where i've found some $. best.


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