message from my broker

    Posted by sschulman on 7th of Aug 2011 at 06:00 pm

    Not to me personally - just a pop-up window when I logged on: "Due to market situations, PFGBEST will be requiring full initial margin for all products. This will take affect immediately".  Seems like everybody's scared.

    what's PFGBEST??

    Posted by zach06 on 7th of Aug 2011 at 06:14 pm


    Posted by sschulman on 7th of Aug 2011 at 06:27 pm

    Peregrine Financial Group (PFG) is the broker.

    BestDirect is their trading platform.


    thanks ss

    Posted by zach06 on 7th of Aug 2011 at 06:31 pm

    some of you guys who trade credit and debit spreads

    Posted by zach06 on 7th of Aug 2011 at 06:05 pm

    If things get really hectic tomorrow and there are margin calls....   put some credit spread in for more than the actual spread.   For example   a spx  1120/1110   put spread  maximum loss is 10.00      Try putting in an order for 12.50 credit.    In 2008   a bunch of us in a trade room got filled for more than the actual spread .     IB is famous for this when they have to fill margin calls.

    getting better than max for a credit spread - I wish!

    Posted by sschulman on 7th of Aug 2011 at 06:43 pm

    That would have been awesome! But I just checked a few spread quotes and it seems the market makers are aleady in there with more appropriate quotes.

    Yep... we did get filled by IB in 2008 it was really weird.

    Posted by zach06 on 7th of Aug 2011 at 06:49 pm

    Futures are down by 27

    Posted by marks on 7th of Aug 2011 at 06:13 pm

    As of now 6PM


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