first off, Steve didn't build this system and really doesn't know how it works or the concepts of it, so you should only treat his analysis as subjective analysis and non system related.

    Now my post last week was showing some subjective analysis of the SPX being a potential 4th wave and how that may affect the system if it played out, but it is NOT system related.  I didn't tell anyone to sell and I didn't sell either because I'm playing the system.  I also didn't email that out and for a reason.  If you want to follow the system, then follow the system, the newsletters and other subjective market analysis have nothing to do with the system.  

    It doesn't mean that you can't take some partial profits or use some leveraged ETF's on the 3rd or 4th scale in, but realize any deviation will either give better or worse results to the system statistics.  


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