RM686 I did the same


    Posted by sschulman on 29th of Jun 2011 at 09:20 am

    RM686 I did the same thing. Thus I'll bet many of the more silent blog-members did the same thing. I work Fridays and Mondays. Although it's no problem accessing my laptop which I of course take to work on work days, I just didn't want market-concerns interfering with my focus at work. Could have hedged but just got out instead.

    I've actually never traded a system before - it's amazing how much emotion plays a part. Objectively, nothing should be simpler, yet there seem to be so many deceptively-valid reasons to stray from it.


    I was away all last

    Posted by Michael on 29th of Jun 2011 at 10:07 am

    I was away all last week and that got me into a nice mindset with the system that I am continuing now that I'm home.  If I'm out of the house or even just in the backyard, I check email on my iphone around 3:00 - 3:30 and if there's a heads-up from the system I check the price of SPY -- the Bloomberg app is great, gives you instant prices on equities and futrures -- and check it again at 3:45 and if we're close then, I set up trades for the close and monitor the last 15 minutes.  Don't even need a computer.

    Right idea..

    Posted by burkmere on 29th of Jun 2011 at 10:49 am

    Your approach is one of the healthiest I've heard so far, Michael. Congrats on making the mental adjustment.


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