Lawyse and others. Although the concept of getting help might be your goal at this site - as it is mine, it is still each of our responsibilities to learn what to watch for and do our own homework. I have had much better success FOLLOWING the traders here, than trying to find my own trades AT THIS POINT IN TIME. By following, I am learning what folks look at, watch for, and get excited about. There are many who post constantly - even though they too are trying to make a living at it.

    With that said, maybe an enhancement on the site would be a HELP filter. Where folks that are needing to get some help could post their questions there, then those that have time, and experience, and interest, could take a look at it from time to time. I suspect not everyone monitors every post on the blog and thus many HELP requests get passed over. Seems the same folks reply to the help cries all the time. But sometimes, the person could be asking at a bad time for folks or about a stock or sector that those "same Folks" just are not comfortable replying to.

    IMHO, the subscription price is worth it just for the nightly and weekend updates - the day time stuff from Matt and Dodger is a bonus. If they had time to answer every inquiry, they would have to raise the price 500% as they would be giving up their ability to make their own trades. They work really hard at what they do. Follow their lead, learn, and in time, you will be able to do what they and others here do. Consider this initial time here an investment in your future and education. I don;t think anyone with short time experience should expect to have their hand held and thus this site might not be the best selection.

    If you put on a trade and it doesn't feel so good - get out and wait for a better set up. Pay attention to the basic rules - don't chase, look for good entry points, and take profits often - even if little ones. If you are unsure about a trade then wait for the next set up - another will always come along.


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