Tumbler,  how did you generate


    Posted by falcon5678 on 19th of May 2011 at 11:29 am

    Tumbler,  how did you generate the option prices.  Did you get actual end of day and opening bid/ask prices for all of them?  The would have been a lot of work! 

    Falcon, yes I got actual

    Posted by tumbler on 19th of May 2011 at 11:58 am

    Falcon, yes I got actual prices for each day/trade (closing and opening prices). Yes, alot of work but worth it.

    By the way, I updated the google doc. It has multi-entry data for stock and options trades. The stock trades are a lift from Matt's data. The last trade is included.


    tumbler , does your historical data

    Posted by perthx on 19th of May 2011 at 12:47 pm

    does your historical data give you the high and low for an option each day too?

    perthx, unfortunately it doesn't. I

    Posted by tumbler on 19th of May 2011 at 01:54 pm

    perthx, unfortunately it doesn't. I know that would make your project much easier.

    thx tumbler

    Posted by perthx on 19th of May 2011 at 02:16 pm

    yeah i my just have to go ahead and pay the $250 for a single month for such data.

    Tom-think or swim appears to offer closing data only.

    I think it has Open,

    Posted by tom on 19th of May 2011 at 03:18 pm

    I think it has Open, High, Low, Close

    Well my apologies then!  I

    Posted by falcon5678 on 19th of May 2011 at 12:36 pm

    Well my apologies then!  I assumed you generated prices based on a ramdom pricing model but if you based the trades on actual bid/ask prices that is fantastic work!   The vol levels don't matter then for your results.  I suppose they matter in a general sense since anyone trading options should be aware of those risks but as far as your results are concerned - great work!  Thanks for doing this.  You are right that the risks are mitigated by the average trade length.  Bottom line is - when a system is correct on 9 out of 10 directional trades you're going to make money trading options, no matter how much the vols are moving.


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