
    Follow the system

    Posted by zwyss on 14th of May 2011 at 05:11 am

    I hope my english is good enough that you see my point

    I disagree that a more leveraged version (2x  and 3x funds, options....) brings a better result. Fact is, that when you take UPRO instead of SPY you are willing to increase your account size (profits, but also risks) by the factor 3, and when you are able to take another 1/3 for the fourth entry, your account size has increased from US$ 100'000 to 400'000. Why not put all the 400'000 into the first entry (single system) and your profits would be 4 times higher. Remember, the single entry system brings the highest profit, but with the highest drawdowns.

    In my opinion the only possibility to increase the profit (next to increasing the account size of course) is finding out in advance how chances are that we will get a second, third or fourth entry. I don't know if this is possible. Maybe Matt gets a first entry signal, but the system also tells him that we are rather early and there is a good chance that we will get more entries. In this case we should not put much money into the first entry. Or maybe the system tells Matt that the market is very stretched and the first entry will probably be the last. Then we should put everything into this first entry. We just don't know if there are "better" first entry calls than others. Maybe Matt can tell something if chances are always the same for getting second, third or fourth entries.

    Another thing is the risk factor. We should not not forget that risks are high. Of course the system did not have a huge drawdown in backtest. This is logical, beacuse Matt would have changed the system parameters. It doesn't mean the risks are limited because there were only small drawdowns.

    Just wanted to mention that in case someone is basically willing to play the system with US$ 50'000, increased the size with borrowed money to 100'000 because of the profitability of the system and plays now UPRO (3x) instead of SPY because it's so easy earned money...... Maybe we'll all find out that it's not so easy after a fourth entry....

    That reminds me of Hedge Funds and banks a few years ago. Greed and risk models that relied on the past.....

    zwyss - I suspect we will

    Posted by yojimbo on 14th of May 2011 at 11:41 am

    zwyss - I suspect we will never know if there are "better" first entry calls than others.  In any case, you can estimate the chances you mention by looking at the trade history.  There were 251 total trades.  145 were 1-entry trades.  68 were 2-entry trades.  24 were 3-entry trades.  14 were 4-entry trades.

    Whenever there was a 1st entry signal:
    It was a 1-entry trade 58% of the time (145/251).
    It was a 2-entry trade 27%...(68/251)
    It was a 3-entry trade 9%...
    It was a 4-entry trade 6%...

    Whenever there was a 1st entry signal AND a 2nd entry signal:
    It was a 2-entry trade 64% of the time (68/(68+24+14)).
    It was a 3-entry trade 23%...
    It was a 4-entry trade 13%...

    Whenever there was a 1st entry signal AND a 2nd entry signal AND a 3rd entry signal:
    It was a 3-entry trade 63% of the time (24/(24+14)).
    It was a 4-entry trade 37% of the time (14/(24+14)).

    So no matter which entry signal you are talking about (1st, 2nd, or 3rd),  it was followed by another entry signal about 35% to 40% of the time.

    nice statistics, thanks.

    Posted by Michael on 14th of May 2011 at 03:29 pm

    nice statistics, thanks.

    yojimbo, nice statistics Well, Matt is

    Posted by zwyss on 14th of May 2011 at 12:53 pm

    yojimbo, nice statistics

    Well, Matt is the only person who can give an answer to the question if there are stronger and weaker entry signals or if all signals are about equal. This system was once compared to a rubber band which bounces back if stretched too much. Maybe the entries were set when the rubber band is stretched 70%, 80%, 90% and 95%. That would mean that there is always the same chance of getting next entries because we just don't know if the market turns at 65%, 78%, 92 % or maybe the band explodes which would not be good.......

    My trade count may be

    Posted by yojimbo on 14th of May 2011 at 01:42 pm

    My trade count may be slightly off as I was getting bleary-eyed trying to distinguish blue from blue-gray from mauve.  Close enough for jazz.

    zwyss,    You make very

    Posted by tj6p on 14th of May 2011 at 09:30 am

    zwyss,    You make very valid points that one needs to take under consideration when deciding whether or not to deviate from the basics of the system. 

    Perhaps Matt can shed some light on the point you raise re: large drawdowns having been inadvertently "filtered"  out of the historic data during system design.

    Thanks for the thoughtful input.


    along the lines of what

    Posted by Michael on 14th of May 2011 at 08:34 am

    along the lines of what I have pointed out -- one must be prepared to take the losses, and also to sit through the drawdowns.  And my experience is that generally we over-estimate our psychological ability to do this.        That said, I think the discussion of how to allocate the entries -- within the parameters of your chosen total capital -- is very valuable.


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